Life in Moscow - Part 1

Life in Moscow as I see it... been here 10 days... and I like it... life is normal... like not hyped up, just normal... people go about their chores.. . they are very friendly and helpful... forthcoming... easy to talk with though I speak only 3 Russian words... ie Spasiba for thank you, Da for yes and Njet for no... I ask people for the way to ... and we get in comm... I had a long talk with a Russian museums lady, no Engish, but German, my German is rusty, but we had a great chat about geopolitics and agreed yes the Danish PM is awful she killed millions of Mink for no good reason ... and about geology she recommeded me Karelia and The Urals are a must !!! Well now on the list.... the list is years long... Ha ha ha ha ...
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