Celestial Blessings
*Listen with earphones for best experience
Is a timeless transmission of heavenly empowerments to awaken your potentials and upgrade your heart center.
Feel the light languages lift you into the celestial worlds, expanding your mind and heart into the infinity, beyond time and space. You are invited to meet the Divine White Dragon King along with many wondrous Celestial Beings to receive personal sacred gifts.
The transmissions also work on the following but not limited to:
Reclaiming lost powers, clearing of sickness and ill-mind, transmuting past negative emotions and fears; personal empowerment gifts from the Divine White Dragon King, longevity, clearing of obstacles and joy to move forward in life.
When we are an observer,
We will realise our true-nature
We are here to transcend the limits of our own dimension
Our hearts are connected to everything, beyond space-time.
Move forward and celebrate your life.
To inspire and tou