低低頭-黃明志+胡桐語 NOD NOD by Namewee feat. Iris Woo [ASIA MOST WANTED 亞洲通緝] 專輯

低低頭 Nod Nod Composer/Lyrics: Namewee Singer: Namewee / Iris Woo Produced by: Fred Chong Arranger: Bo Amir Iqram Special Thanks: MBI / Mface / MiTalk Directed by: Namewee / Lai 一早起床我低低頭 My head starts nodding the moment I wake up 看你低低頭 她也低低頭 I see you’re nodding and she’s nodding too 街上的人全都低低頭 Why is everyone on the street looking down? 無論在吃飯 還是在行走 Nodding while walking and eating while nodding 面對老師我低低頭 (hello) I face down in front of my teacher
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