Simply Awesome! - Deep Mandebrot Zoom HQ 2^558

I started somewhere near the tip of the left needle, but didn’t stay there for long. I was fairly impressed with the variety in this one. I’m deleting the old version cause this one’s just plain better, and true high quality (640x480) 1 Zoom (2X) per second, or about a thousand magnification every ten seconds. 558 Zooms = 2^558 or about *10^167 Near zoom #330-333 (5:30-33), the path branches off yet again from the main circle. If you pause the video and look extremely closely in the lower right hand corner, you can almost see the minibrot before it passes offscreen. The music changes at this point to celebrate. There is one additional place where the path forks, at 478 zooms (7:58-8:00), but it’s hardly noteworthy. Fact is every time you take a detour, that’s just so many more times deeper you’ll have to zoom before you hit a minibrot. I stopped at 558 Zooms because here lies a trippy neat formation, and beyond this point, it just plain takes too long for my 3
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