mylk386 - Jody Travel amp and Micro Head. Built in downward facing speaker design adds more air to the sound and reduces small speaker harshness. Convincing big amp sound that can be turned down to a volume you can play along to an iPad in a hotel room...... or just crank it to fuck and give yourself permanent tinnitus.
Built with the legendary, butter smooth LM386 1w power amp chip and a stripped down tube screamer front end for loads of available gain. It’s liker a high tech Smokey amp on meth wearing
1 view
5 years ago 00:03:18 1
mylk[386]amp - Jody Mini Amp DEMO - mylk[][][]
5 years ago 00:02:36 1
noisy cricket build - by mylk[][][] - 1/2 watt guitar amp with built in speaker