Here’s what the POOREST community in the state of FLORIDA looks like.

These poor folks. But there might be a happy ending to all of this. Danny’s cash app if you want to donate to him: $ghhhhgggg22 15 years ago, right here in this very same place, immigrant tomato pickers were treated like modern day slaves. They were held captive in nothing but rundown trailers, forced to work for very little wages, and threatened with deportation if they told anyone. It was a practice that had been happening for a long, long time, and when it was discovered, America was shocked. That’s not happening here anymore though. At least not to the extent that it was back then. But today, the community of Immokalee Florida has not recovered from that mess. And it is still a very poor place. Now this isn’t going to be a typical video when I drive around and only talk about what’s wrong with the place. Instead, I’m going to try and show you the GOOD things about Immokalee. I think we’ll see that this isn’t a sob story. It actually might have a happy ending.
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