Alexandra Greenhill - CDL Super Session 2019

Alexandra Greenhill - CEO and Chief Medical Officer, Careteam Unleashing the incredible promise of digital health CDL Super Session 2019 was where a global community of ambitious, imaginative people striving to transform the way research is commercialized converged. At Super Session, ventures showcased advancements made during the program, finalize early-stage financing, and reveal technological breakthroughs to an international audience. It was also an opportunity to hear from the brightest minds in deep-science and technology. Speakers at Super Session included some of the world’s most innovative entrepreneurs and investors. His Royal Highness Prince Constantijn of The Netherlands, Special Envoy for StartupDelta Anousheh Ansari - CEO and Co-founder, Prodea Systems | CEO, XPrize Alan Aspuru-Guzik – Professor, University of Toronto | Faculty Member, Vector Institute | CIFAR Senior Fellow | Canada 150 Research Chair in Theoretical Chemistry Piraye Beim - Founder and CEO
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