SSU obtains data on Russians’ military tactics

SSU obtains data on Russians’ military tactics: ‘get fucking beaten – hide, get fucking beaten again – hide again’ And then the same again and again… It seems that this tactics is a bit flawed - it can be used as long as there is personnel to hide. And according to the occupiers’ intercepted conversations, this will not go on for long. Because the enemy’s losses are huge. Here is what a Russian invader, who is currently near Mariupol, says about it: ‘We’re fucking hiding. They are fucking beating us… Fucking motherfuckers say: they have taken everything, everything. And we’re fucking shelled all the time… I’m fucked up already bandaging fucking everyone and loading the fucking limbs. There is a ton of killed ones, a ‘sea’ of corpses, a sea... We already have no KAMAZ trucks, for fuck’s sake.’ Even the presence of Kadyrov units does not save the occupiers: ‘This fucking Kadyrov unit, they just retreated and that’s it. No one gives a fuck… We are standing here and we are constantly shelled.’
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