Восход солнца!! Утро, туман, река, пение птиц, звуки природы, природа, релакс, медитация,

Природа Зарисовки Опубликовано: 29 нояб. 2017 г. Восход солнца!! Утро, туман, река, пение птиц, звуки природы, природа, пейзаж, релакс, медитация, сон, йога, Утро, звуки природы, река, старое русло, пение птиц, релакс, природа, медитация. Река, птицы поют, красивая природа, релакс, медитация, River, birdsong, nature, relaxation, meditation Beautiful nature, river flows, sunny day, the singing of birds, the summer breeze - can help you rejuvenate and relax. You can spend hours listening to birdsong or flowing water. This benevolent sounds that delight the ear. It can be used for various practices and activities. Good for yoga classes, training, training. It can be used as background for rest and relaxation. Sets a good, positive way, it gives harmony of the interior space. The sounds of beautiful music - erase all superficial, old obsolete. It is the perception of the world and ourselves in the surrounding area. This video can be used as a relaxation background music for relaxation
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