FTV exclusive: Indian astrologer Abhigya Anand discusses US election|Taiwan News

In an exclusive interview with FTV Vice President Anne Hu, Indian astrologer Abhigya Anand was asked about this November’s U.S. presidential election. Anand said he needs more birth details of the candidates for a precise prediction, but that for now, Donald Trump is the more likely winner. Anand also predicted the future of the U.S. stock market. He said Wall Street may struggle in 2025, but that the challenges will be more of a correction and less of a crash. Commenting on TSMC, he sees a bright future from 2026 onward, despite rising competition. But the astrologer did give a disclaimer, warning that his predictions are about 80% accurate, not 100%. Anne Hu FTV vice president I remember you precisely predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. How did you make it? Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer So that was a mix of data and intuition. So on one side, I had a lot of data about the world. I was just going through a long list of events in the world for the last 2,000 years. Different diseases, different wars, epidemics, pandemics, and correlating those to planetary combinations. And then one day when I was just sitting in my terrace, I was just finishing my morning meditation and coming down when something just struck me that there is probably some dangerous event that is about to happen to the world. Then I just made a video and named it “Severe Danger to the World between November 2019 and April 2020.” And I published that video on the Aug. 19, 2019, which is six months or eight months before the pandemic. So that video went viral later on because I had talked about a world war or a pandemic in that. I gave two possibilities, but one thing was clear that there would be severe danger to the world. Anne Hu FTV vice president Can you make a daring prediction that who will be the next U.S. president? Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Which one? Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer While it’s very difficult to say, the reason is I had explained yesterday in another interview that elections basically have multiple dynamics. When I’m predicting a war, for example, I’ve predicted several events with accuracy, but when it comes to an election, the number of dynamics are huge, and we don’t have their birth details. I don’t have the birth details of Donald Trump. I don’t have the birth details of Kamala Harris. So it’s very difficult to make it. But still, based on certain other charts, I can say that the Republican Party seems to be very much likely to come to power. And I have not yet made a detailed analysis of this, but it looks like very much Donald Trump. Anne Hu FTV vice president And also, will the U.S. stock market crash? Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer The U.S. stock market, I wouldn’t say it would crash, actually. 2025 seems to be a difficult year, but it wouldn’t crash in the sense of a crash. It might correct a little bit, but not crash. Yeah, not crash, correction. Anne Hu FTV vice president You mentioned the date, the year, 2025. Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer Yes, 2025, yes. Anne Hu FTV vice president Wow, we don’t have to worry about it this year. Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer Exactly, we don’t have to worry about it this year. Anne Hu FTV vice president Taiwan’s pride, TSMC. And what will TSMC’s future development be like? Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer I think it will be very good after 2026. 2025, there is going to be some problem in between, which we have to be a little bit careful about. But overall, TSMC will continue to be a very valuable company. And I see more development in the next few years, especially the next 20 years are very, very important. However, around the world, other countries also will try to replicate TSMC. Although they may not be as successful as Taiwan, there will be some competition. Anne Hu FTV vice president You can predict specific countries’ future? Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer I can if I try, but at the same time, I do not have a crystal ball and I cannot be 100% correct at everything. I can try to increase the accuracy rate, definitely more accurate than just a guess. But the thing is that I don’t have 100% accuracy in predictions. I can reach 80 to 90% accuracy. Anne Hu FTV vice president Yes, that’s what I’m going to ask you. The accuracy rate is about how much? Abhigya Anand Indian astrologer My accuracy rate is above 80% most of the time. And there is a rumor in Taiwan that some people think, most people do believe that these predictions have been made accurately, but some people think that I make many predictions and one of them comes right. But I’d like to counter that saying I only make four to five predictions in an entire year and out of that five predictions com #台灣新聞 #TaiwanNews #民視新聞 #FTV新聞 #Taiwan
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