The Deus x Honda Donkey

The Honda Z-series; you either love them or don’t know what they are. At Deus we lean towards the side of affection, but for those aligned to the latter congregation let us give you a run down… The Z-series was originally produced as a 49cc amusement park ride for children in Japan, but in the late 60’s went into mass production across the globe. “Children’s ride?” I can hear you questioning - and yes you read right, the bikes measure in at nickel over 100 kegs and are just tall enough to ride the rollercoaster. For that reason the Z-series was affectionately nicknamed the ‘Monkey’, as Monke...y riders are no strangers to hunch backs and acute joints; replicating that of a circus monkey. But despite the bikes shortcomings it’s impossible to deny the fun you can have on these miniature and fuel efficient machines. Some 70 years on, these bikes now boast 125cc engines. making even the toughest leather covered Angel grin like a Cheshire Cat on the back. Every year Honda produces a new version
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