1926 bardic ceremony (1926)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Poets conduct a bardic revival in Thor’s Cave in 1916 Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Bardic Circle’s Revival - The first gorsedd formed in England was held in Thor’s Cave, Manifold Valley, Staffordshire ENGLAND: Staffordshire: Manifold Valley: Thor’s Cave: EXT Video Roll Title: The Bardic Revival: 48ft gorseth, poet, poetry, medieval, ceremonies, customs, Ralph de Turnstall Sneyd, bard, bards Background: Poets conduct a bardic revival in Thor’s Cave in 1916 FILM ID: VLVA7615T2VBE9GRMVLI36IBZXY8E To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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