Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957), 13 Pieces, Op. 76 (1911 - 1919)
Performed by Håvard Gimse
00:00 - No. 1 Esquisse
01:00 - No. 2 Etude
02:11 - No. 3 Carillon
03:48 - No. 4 Humoresque
04:57 - No. 5 Consolation
07:05 - No. 6 Romanzetta
08:26 - No. 7 Affettuoso
09:47 - No. 8 Piece enfantine
10:34 - No. 9 Arabesque
11:30 - No. 10 Elegiaco
13:35 - No. 11 Linnaea (Twinflower of the North)
15:29 - No. 12 Capriccietto
16:20 - No. 13 Harlequinade
The dates of composition of the 13 Pieces, Op. 76, vary, the earliest, the first two or perhaps three, written in 1911 and some others as late as 1916. Published by Westerlund in Finland and later by Hansen, they respond to the same financial needs and commercial realities. Esquisse and Etude are similar infiguration, and bells are aptly suggested in Carillon.
The capricious Humoresque leads to a characteristic Consolation and the graceful figuration of Romanzetta. The seventh piece, Affettuoso, is marked Agitato and followed by a most uncharacteristic Pièce enfantine and a rapid Arabesque. The C sharp minor Elegiaco marked Poco agitato is succeeded by the inventive Linnaea (Twinflower of the North), marked Andantino con moto, the arpeggios of Capriccietto and the whimsical Harlequinade
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5 months ago 00:09:37 1
Jean Sibelius - Finlandia
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