ChocoProLIVE! #101 Heat Up Collaboration

Chocolate Pro Wrestling #101 Match Card Tag Team Match Chie Koishikawa & RinRin VS Sayuri & Emi Sakura Special Singles Match Shingo VS Kanehira Singles Match Lulupencil VS Tamura Main Event “BestBros“ Mei Suruga & Baliyan Akki VS Tetsuya Izuchi & Hiroshi Watanabe ▼Subscribe now and never miss a new video/YouTube登録 ▼Support ChocoPro/チョコプロを応援! ・Paypal ・Patreon ​ ・ChocoBouquet(1day sponsor) ​ ・ChocoFlower(1day sponsor) ​ ・ChocoChip(Tip the players directly) ​ ▼News and Updates/公式サイト ​​ ▼MERCH/グッズ ​​ ▼ ​​ ▼Twitter ・Gatoh Move・ChocoPro/我闘雲舞 ​​ ・Emi Sakura/さくらえみ ​​ ・Sayaka Obihiro/帯広さやか ​​ ・Yuna Mi
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