How a young man lives in the mountains in a large family. Planting potatoes

In this video you will see how a young guy lives high in the mountains without civilization looking after domestic animals, a large family plants potatoes village life rural way of life mountain village mountain life how people live rural way of life village life mountain life hard life in the mountains primitive life far from civilization traditional village life hard life mountain village life everyday life village life village old culture village people village woman the woman is alone asmr everyday life video blog of rural cuisine old grandmother countryside vlog documentaries ulengovs turgut bayraktar turgut bayraktar belgeselleri karadeniz belgeselleri far from any road a woman alone in the desert Ken Hayati one woman in grief köyde yaşam life in the village video blog of rural life asmr food lifealone village life yt:cc=on lonely grandmother a remote village life in the mountains rural Nepal family work remote villages remote living in the mountains family life and nature recipe vi
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