From Stay-at-Home Mom to Developer at Age 36 freeCodeCamp Podcast #115

This week freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Phoebe Voong-Fadel about her childhood as the daughter of refugees, and how she self-studied coding and became a professional developer. Phoebe worked from age 12 at her parent’s Chinese take-out restaurant. She was able to study history at the London School of Economics, before working in higher ed. She left her job to raise two kids due to the high cost of childcare in the UK, and spent years self-studying coding before becoming a software developer at age 36. I recorded this podcast live and I haven’t edited it at all. I want to capture the feel of a real live conversation, with all the human quirks that entails. As with all my podcast episodes, I start by performing a classic bass line. Can you guess what song this bass line is ... #freeCodeCamp 20240315 WomQr-jRO1c
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