Rossa Palestina | Red Palestine - Italian Song (ENG / ITA LYRICS & VIDEO)
“Palestina“ is an italian pro-palestinian song written in 1973 by Umberto Fiori. It was often sung by student movements during the years of lead.
Note: I strongly condemn the recent terrorist attacks against innocent Israeli civilians. At the same time, I condemn the unjust treatment of the Palestinian population by the Israeli government and the recent reprisals against the people of Gaza.
Lyrics (ENG):
Down in the Middle East, like a wounded buffalo,
rages the American pirate,
but in the fields, on the dunes, even children are armed,
and every woman wields her rifle.
No, the Israeli tanks don’t scare us:
you must liberate your land.
We raised the red, the green, the white, and the black,
clenched the flag in our fists: the colors of Al Fatah.
We raised the partisan flag of the red Palestine,
next to that of Vietnam!
They are called “outlaws“ by the capitalist newspapers
which called the partisans “assassins“.
We won’t believe the Israeli bulletins,
nor the treacherous Jordanian tyrant.
How many times have they said, “It’s over in Palestine“
and yet, we sang this song...
We raised the red...
Beyond this sea, there’s a brotherly people:
every struggle supports another struggle,
every shot fired against the Zionist enemy
in Italy strikes those in power.
Nowadays history backs people in revolt.
Revolution, up until victory!
Lyrics (ITA):
Laggiù nel Medioriente, come un bufalo ferito
infuria il pirata americano
ma nei campi, sulle dune, sono armati anche i bambini
e ogni donna impugna il suo fucile
no, non fan paura i carri armati d’Israele:
la tua terra tu la devi liberare...
Abbiamo alzato il rosso, il verde, il bianco e il nero,
stretto in pugno la bandiera: i colori di Al Fatah.
Abbiamo alzato la bandiera partigiana della rossa Palestina
accanto a quella del Vietnam!
Li chiamano “banditi“ i giornali dei padroni
che chiamavano “assassini“ i partigiani,
noi non crederemo ai bollettini israeliani,
al tiranno giordano traditore.
Quante volte ci hanno detto “E` finita in Palestina“
e ancora cantavamo la canzone...
Abbiamo alzato il rosso...
Al di là di questo mare c’è un popolo fratello:
ogni lotta aiuta un altra lotta,
ogni colpo sparato sul nemico sionista
in Italia colpisce chi comanda.
Coi popoli in rivolta si muove oggi la Storia,
Rivoluzione, fino alla vittoria!
#Palestine #Palestina #Rossapalestina #Redpalestine #Israel #Communism#Socialism #Song #Songlyrics #Resistance
1 view
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