I look to the future because technological progress is only gaining momentum, regardless of what is happening in the world. I can combine modern technologies, computing power, all my research and experience in Egyptology into a single whole, and get, as it seems to me, an interesting and unusual result. Create a virtual tour and time travel. Go to Ancient Egypt and, using the example of the tomb of Nefertari, see the origins of our world civilization, read history, understand architecture, and imbue the art of our distant ancestors. In a virtual tour, you can see not only what has come down to our days, but also see the reconstruction, read the texts, and try to understand the worldview of the ancient Egyptians. Find references to our modern worldview, draw parallels, and most importantly, understand yourself.
Important information
I would like to warn you that this project (tomb reconstruction and Egyptological research) is the first attempt at reconstructing and translating Egyptian tomb texts. Some aspects, both artistic and philological, are based on similar materials and a limited number of examples. I and the project participants are very clearly aware that a number of problems can be the subject of discussion, that some points are controversial, and some aspects may be underdeveloped. However, we hope that this will become an incentive for further research, which, in our opinion, is the main essence of any undertaking.
The project is still under development! Both students, amateurs, and professional Egyptologists and linguists take part in it, which makes the reconstruction of the program of the tomb paintings and hieroglyphic texts scientifically sound.
Also, all concerned independent researchers and people simply passionate about Ancient Egypt from a wide variety of professional fields, from lawyers to power engineers, from IT specialists to managers, from logistics specialists to digital artists, take part in the project. Over the years, many different people have come and left the project, leaving their spark, their knowledge and skills that they wanted and shared, thank you very much for your interest and contribution to the development of the project. I want to express special gratitude to my friends and associates who supported the project and me personally, in all ups and downs, in search and research, translations, writing and editing texts. Thank you for your interest and inspiration, and for continuing to do so, none of this would have been possible without you.
See more information
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