Rescue/Recovery in the Potomac, Lightning at the White House, and Storms over D.C. Busy Friday

Friday got off to an early start with a rescue / recovery operation in Georgetown where a young man went into the Potomac and didn’t make it out. Police, Fire and Coast Guard were on the scene to help recover the victim. I then went over the White House where we saw the tree from yesterday’s fatal lightning strike. As of this morning an elderly couple from Wisconsin were the only two victims, but this evening it was announced a third victim perished in the lighting strike. Later the clouds returned to Washington so I headed over to the Lincoln Memorial to see what I could see. Busy and sad Friday. Show not Tell. —————— PenguinSix is an apolitical guy in a political town who likes to walk a lot. He has hiked over 17,000 miles (27,000kms) in the past six years and is still walking today. He is an American expat who spent the last decade in Hong Kong with his family and is now back in Washington DC, continuing his daily ritual of taking very long hikes around the city catching
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