This performance revolves around different subjects to name a few Adam and eve story, narratives drives form bible, battle of Karbala narratives and the most notable of all; god and goddess of dying and rising vegetation
the mentioned stories are intertwined with the god and goddess of dying and rising myth.
the god and goddess of dying and rising are mostly vegetation deity which is a nature deity whose disappearance and reappearance, or life, death and rebirth, embodies the growth cycle of plants.
We use different performative methods such as Kabuki,Salsa,butoh,Ta’zieh inorder to present our performance.
10 months ago 00:17:36 1
पार्वती शिव कथा | Parvati Shiv Katha | Shiv Parvati Vivah Katha | शिव पार्वती विवाह कथा