CNN Accidentally Busts Xinjiang Genocide Lies

CNN admits it cannot independently verify an alleged former Chinese police officer who claims to have partaken in interrogations involving torture and witnessing sexual abuse in China’s Xinjiang region against its Uyghur population. However, CNN could have easily cross referenced his spoken and written statements from June 7, 2021 as part of the so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” where he completely contradicts the claims he made to CNN. Worse still, CNN never mentions that the alleged former police officer and others they interviewed took part in the tribunal, or that the tribunal even took place… These daily videos (Monday to Friday) are published first for Platinum Sponsors and above first, then made public later on in the week. Thank you for your support and making this work possible! References: The New Atlas - Uyghur Tribunal: US-Funded Theater Attacking China: National Endowment for Democracy - Xinjiang/East Turkestan (China) 2020:
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