Baiken Dust Combos (Includes Tethered Combo)

#GGST_BA #GGST 5[D], j.H, j.D, jc, j.S, j.S, - Universal (203 vs Ky) 5[D], j.S, j.D, j.S, j.D, j.S, - Universal Tether route (219 vs Ky) and can use j.H starter instead for 5 more dmg vs AN, AX, BA, CH, GI, HC, KY, MA, MI, & RA If you have trouble doing j.S, j.S, without getting the Finishing Blow early, use the following combo which is easier but less damage: 5[D], j.H, jc, j.S, j.H, j.S, - Universal (doesn’t work on Chaos) 195 vs Ky, use P vs Chipp
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