Sennzai - 春宵胡蝶 (Music Video)

✦Streaming / DL ✦MV credit Produce / Vocal/ Lyric : Sennzai  Music :Street  Illust:Sainome  Movie:Sol   Release Sennzai 9th Album 「Prouod Echoes」収録 ✦Special site: ✦Buy(CD)【Overseas】 Diverse Direct: TANO*C STORE: メロンブックス: ✦DL  ✦CD関連Goods 🔗 ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ Sennzai 一度聴いたら忘れない特徴的なファルセットボイスを持つ、インターネット発 個性派Z世代アーティスト。 楽曲によって別人のように異なる多人格ボイスを駆使し、リアルとバーチャルを超越しながら、独自の旋律を解き放つ。 An individualistic Gen Z artist from the Internet with a distinctive falsetto voice that is impossible to forget once you’ve heard it. Using a multi-faceted voice that differs from one person to another depending on the song, she releases a unique melody that transcends the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds. Twitter:@sennzai Instagram:@sennzai FANBOX BOOTH Bandcamp Spotify HP Membership #Sennzai #originalsong #オリジナル曲
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