Bruno Galhardo and Raiza Previato explaining on their Improvement course level 1 to 5 in Calgary, Canada.
*All footages came from BRIC Level 1 in February 2020 in Calgary ran by Jane Lee.
*The video was shot and edited by Ian Takeshi.
We just finished another successful round of Level 1 and 2 in Calgary 2022 after a long wait due to pademic reasons.
Please search for Bruno and Raiza Improvement course - Calgary in Facebook Events for upcoming level 1, 2 and 3 in Calgary in 2023!
#Brazilianzouk #dancecourse #zoukbrasileiro #Brunogalhardo #brunoandraiza #Calgarydance #partnerdance #latindance
Hello there! My name is Jane and I am a travelling dancer. Dance is my passion that I’ve been pursuing after leaving my last trade (engineering). I am excited to share different parts of my life. Thank you for stopping by!
캐나다를 베이스로한 여행하는 댄서로 살고있는 제인 입니다. 노마드 삶을 살면서 그리고 새롭지만 저의 모든게 되어버린 춤을 배우고 찾아 가며 깨달은 것들을 같이 나누고 싶어요. :) 방문해주셔서 감사합니다.
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