Annie Machon and Vuk Ćosić: Disrupting from Within | Part 2

A presentation/conversation between Annie Machon and Vuk Ćosić at the Centre for Urban Culture Kino Šiška. Ljubljana, 12 March 2015 Realised in the framework of the seminar “Tactics & Practice #3: Networked Disruption“. In the last session, the concept of “disruption” is taken from business contexts to the realm of surveillance systems and geopolitical forms of control. How can we apply the strategy of disruption today, in the context of increasingly invasive corporations and surveillance by government agencies, and with the threat of your every move being recorded? Inspired by whistleblowing – revealing social injustices or misconducts by corporations and governments to a wider public – disruption becomes a strategy to start “fighting” the systems we want to oppose from within, reflecting on conscious modalities of “oppositions” that come from the inside of the machine. Annie Machon, a former UK MI5 intelligence officer who left
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