Dracudate is a short film that centers around Lilith, a Trans Lesbian vampire and her date with her crush, Lou. It’s not long before Lilith runs into trouble when she bumps into the Monster Hunter, Sal. Lilith must now escape from the Hunter while also hiding her identity from Lou, which proves pretty difficult. Will she be able to save the date and keep away from the clutches of the Hunter?
Director Bio: Rhael McGregor is a Winnipeg born Métis animator and comic artist based in the Toronto Area. They have worked freelance in animation and comics and love bringing stories to life, especially those that make people smile.
Film Credits:
Director: Rhael McGregor
Production Manager: Sophia Shi
Storyboard Lead: Jessie Kingsley and Rhael McGregor
Storyboard Team: Francine Quirante, Layla Abud, Sophia Shi
Character Design Lead: Louise-Anne Beaudoin
Character Design Team: Kenesha Cunningham, Rhael McGregor, Sophia Shi
Colour Lead: Rhael McGregor
1 year ago 00:03:46 1
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