Download ELEX 2 PC Full Game for Free.
About the game:
Elex 2 is the latest video game from the developer, and despite fulfilling the promise of giving life to a really open and ambitious role-playing experience, it leaves a certain bitter aftertaste for certain design decisions and optimization failures.
Let’s start with the elephant in the room: combat. Whoever expected a reimagining of the combat system of the first Elex is going to take a disappointment, and that is that the essence remains exactly the same. The hand-to-hand combat still feels terribly rough, although the option to shoot brings some variety.
However, we are still in the same: the weapons at a distance feel much more powerful, and although it is good to have a combination of both I have always ended up using my reliable shotgun to spend the last third of the game.
Although these weapons at a distance feel absolutely devastating, it is impossible not to assess the enormous amount of options that we find