God Is A Girl ~ Sailor Moon

*8/06/08 EDIT* I got my very first hate message from this video a while ago--I’m surprised it took this long, and I’m also surprised the person didn’t bash me on my gayness. For any other driving-force God-lover who watches this, do me a favor and don’t. I need to live my life without hearing from you and how much you want me to ’repent’. I grew up Christian, so I know damn well who my God is; just because I made a video with a song that says ’God is a girl’ does NOT mean I thoroughly believe that. I can’t believe I have to even type this out. *sigh of relief* It’s done. Finally. After a month (I’m very much not kidding) of procrastinating, I’m finally done with this video. Now, first of all, y’all have to thank a dear friend of mine, Mike. Without him I really wouldn’t have finished this video. So thanks, Mike! Hope you like this! Now, for the video itself. The part where I start with Mars, then Mercury, Jupiter, etc
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