LEISURE: August Bank Holiday in Britain: general views (1943)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General views of people enjoying the August Bank Holiday of 1943. Millions relax from strenuous? Full Description: SLATE: GOOD SCENES August 1943 ENGLAND: London: Waterloo Station: INT Piles of luggage Crowds filing thru ticket barrier - including man smoking cigarette, woman carrying child Crowds walking towards train in railway station TRACKING SHOT following woman carrying suitcase People walking along platform Crowded platform as people wait for train to come in People walking alongside train London: EXT People in stands at Sports Meeting & Dog Show in ’Shadow of St. Paul’s’ PAN runners in the 100 yards race Close shot of winner Leading Fireman Shelde with dome of St. Paul’s cathedral in background Jumper over rope in high jump Another man jumping over rope (high jump) with St. Paul’s in background Lady and gentleman
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