
Grandmaster Yu Dan Ciu performs Ershibasu - the second taolu of Minghe-quan. The name Ershibasu (Ershibaxinsu) means 28 constellations. It is also called Lo Han, because he uses the technical base of the monastic style Lohan-quan, or quick fist, as some masters require to do it at high speed. The technique of this taolu looks very similar to karate basics. Lohan-quan, along with Baihe, was one of the most common fighting styles in Fujian province. The book Wu-bei-ji or Bubishi, famous “Bible of martial arts“ of Fujian and Okinawa, is illustrated by the examples of these two styles. Thus, in ...this form are collected techniques and tactics the most likely adversary, with which could face a Baihe-quan practicioner.
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