Testing a derivative of our club duel. The club duel represents a formal duel, with matched weapons and an arranged combat. This is a test of something new, the random duel. Replicating an unplanned impromptu fight, where you do not know who your opponent or their weapon will be until the start of the fight.
On a sparring night, 1-2 pairs of fighters will be selected to fight one another at random. Meaning then have no idea who they’re going to fight, or even what weapon they’ll face.
For the tests they had to choose their weapon at the beginning, and stick with it throughout. The rules of the fight are the same as the club duel. The fight ends when a potentially killing or incapacitating blow is landed. They would be analysed with slow mo and text like the club duels as well. Though we did a lot on this night to test it, this would be limited to 1-2 per night on the last session of the month. So that there is much more at stake.
2 years ago 00:09:48 5
AHF Random Duel Tests (10 different fighters)
4 years ago 00:02:43 208
[AHF] Kenshiro Kasumi By Anime Random Warcraft 3
4 years ago 00:03:11 191
[AHF] Sting Eucliffe By Anime Random Warcraft 3
6 years ago 00:01:41 80
[AHF]Meliodas By Anime Random (QWRTGFEGFT) Warcraft 3