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She’s pitching a hissy fit
Stomping in her boots
Throwing things around
Like she’s got nothing to lose
It’s all about the dishes
Or maybe it’s the clothes
But through the screaming
I just can’t seem to know
She’s pitching a hissy fit, kicking up holy smoke
She’s pitching a hissy fit, and man it’s no joke
Something’s gone awry, I think it’s time to choke
She’s pitching a hissy fit, and man it’s no joke
She’s got her hands on her hips
Her eyes burning fire
Making all our neighbors
Think the house is set to expire
The dog has found a corner
The kids all disappe
And I’m just praying
They don’t get near
She’s pitching a hissy fit, kicking up holy smoke
She’s pitching a hissy fit, and man it’s no joke
Something’s gone awry, I think it’s time to choke
She’s pitching a hissy fit, and manShow more