Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign:
In this video we explain everything you need to know about Ophiuchus. Some people refer to it as being the 13th zodiac sign whilst others don’t agree with this statement. Let’s tell you all about it.
Within astrology there are different approaches to live by. The most common one is also known as Tropical astrology. You have probably heard of the 12 Zodiac signs. That’s what they are all about.
Some people prefer to practice Sidereal ([saɪ’dɪərɪəl] - звёздный; сидерический) astrology. In that case there is room for other signs because there is no rule of 12. Make sure to watch the video to comprehend this better.
Ophiuchus is in fact present in our Zodiac system. However for the most part it’s not. Only a small portion of it extends into that area. Therefore there is a discussion about whether or not we should add it to our list.
A 13th Zodiac sign means that for some people there would be a big change in the