This collection was created by hours & hours of web surfing and video editing with the sole purpose of synthesizing the most quintessential & marvelous memes. But above all, the credit belongs to its respective owners.
For that reason, you can easily find the information of the videos & original creators in the “CREDITS“ section below so let’s take a little moment to visit them, show them some love, appreciate them before it’s too late 😚😚😚
If there are any omissions, such as you’re OC and would like to remove your content and/or take credit. Please PM and/or send me an email at: gabrielmcfly20@ and the request will be processed within 24 hours. Thank y’all!
► Playlists:
► Creators:
Kingforce 2474
Mr. Wiggles
Some Lad
Meme Sunday
Marisa Kirisame
Other sources are mostly scattered from Reddit, TikTok, Instagram... or from a few other sites. Due to external site policies, direct links from sites outside of Youtube will be strictly censored, even the video will be removed because of that reason. But you still can find those sources from this 3rd link page down below (if you have any info about the owner, please leave us a comment) :
► Intro song: Chet Baker - Almost blue (w/ “Rain and Thunder Sound Lighting Strike and Thunder Sound Effect“) -
#meme #dankmeme #trendingmeme
1 view
3 weeks ago 00:03:22 1
Семга на сковороде с рисом (Быстро и вкусно) Рецепты с рисом на гарнир (Очень вкусно и просто)
4 weeks ago 00:15:08 1
Как нарисовать слона карандашом за 15 минут?
4 weeks ago 00:19:14 1
КАК сделать сад с обложки ЖУРНАЛА за 20 минут! ПРОСТО посмотри на это!
4 weeks ago 00:04:44 2
Булочки с яблоками! Лучшее сдобное тесто для булочек и пирожков! Тесто как пух, простой рецепт!
1 month ago 00:02:24 1
КАРТОФЕЛЬ с КУРОЧКОЙ в лимонно-медовом маринаде \ Курица в духовке \ Как запечь курицу
1 month ago 00:01:59 1
ДОМАШНЯЯ ПИЦЦА РЕЦЕПТ НА ТОНКОМ ТЕСТЕ \ Как приготовить пиццу дома \ Самый Простой рецепт пиццы
1 month ago 00:04:42 1
Супер Беляши на Кефире! Очень вкусные, сочные, хрустящая корочка и пушистые внутри!
1 month ago 00:05:42 1
Лодочка с рыбой и рисом на Новый год, цыгана готовит.