Epistaxis, Causes, SIgns and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 1:19 Causes of Nosebleeds 2:14 Signs and Symptoms of Nosebleeds 2:45 Diagnosis of Nosebleeds 3:31 Treatment of Nosebleeds A nosebleed, also known as epistaxis, is bleeding from the nose.[1] Blood can also flow down into the stomach and cause nausea and vomiting.[8] In more severe cases, blood may come out of both nostrils.[9] Rarely, bleeding may be so significant that low blood pressure occurs.[1] Blood may also come up the nasolacrimal duct and out from the eye.[10] Risk factors include trauma, including putting the finger in the nose, blood thinners, high blood pressure, alcoholism, seasonal allergies, dry weather, and inhaled corticosteroids.[3] There are two types: anterior, which is more common; and posterior, which is less common but more serious.[3] Anterior nosebleeds generally occur from Kiesselbach’s plexus while posterior bleeds generally occur from the sphenopalatine artery.[3] The diagnosis is by direct observation.[1] Prevention may include the use of petroleum jelly in the nose.[4] Initially, treatment is generally the application of pressure for at least five minutes over the lower half of the nose.[5] If this is not sufficient, nasal packing may be used.[5] Tranexamic acid may also be helpful.[6] If bleeding episodes continue, endoscopy is recommended.[5] About 60% of people have a nosebleed at some point in their life.[7] About 10% of nosebleeds are serious.[7] Nosebleeds are rarely fatal, accounting for only 4 of the 2.4 million deaths in the U.S. in 1999.[11] Nosebleeds most commonly affect those younger than 10 and older than 50.[2]
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