[ENG_SUB] 국민의 과반수가 핵무기를 원한다는데...왜? | 핵무기, NPT, 안보

#핵무기 #NPT #안보 여론 조사에 따르면 국민의 과반수가 핵무기를 원한다는데... 그 이유는 뭘까? | 핵무기, NPT, 안보 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@ 📑 참고문헌 📑 Bandow, D. (2023, January 17). The South Korean Nuclear Bomb Is Probably Coming. Foreign Policy. BBC News 코리아. (2017, October 5). 다른 나라들은 어떻게 핵무장을 했을까? BBC News 코리아. Dalton, T., Friedhof, K. & Kim, L. (2022, February 21). Thinking Nuclear: South Korean Attitudes on Nuclear Weapons. Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Hancocks, P. (2023, January 22). Why are South Koreans losing faith in America’s nuclear umbrella? CNN. Lind, J. and Press, D. G. (2023, April 19). South Korea’s Nuclear Options: As Pyongyang’s Capabilities Advance, Seoul Needs More Than Reassurance From Washington. Foreign Affairs. Mackenzie, B. J. (2023, April 21). Nuclear weapons: Why South Koreans want the bomb. BBC News. Minegishi, H. (2023, February 19). What makes South Koreans so eager for nuclear deterrent? Nikkei Asia. Pardo, R. P. (2023, March 16). South Korea Could Build Nuclear Weapons—and Get Away With It. Foreign Policy. Stangarone, T. (2023, February 27). Beyond U.S. Credibility Concerns: Factors Driving the Nuclear Weapons Debate in South Korea - Korea Economic Institute of America. Korea Economic Institute of America. 김현욱. (). 북한 비핵화와 동북아 외교. IFANS FOCUS. 외교안보연구소. 최형규. (2018, May 15). ‘북한 비핵화’를 보는 중국의 충격적인 4가지 속셈. 중앙일보. #home
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