First Kuroo and now Bokuto XD What am I doing with myself!?!?! ALL THESE NAKED VOLLEYBALL GAYS BUTTS ;A; SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!
I was going to use Hisoka for this part, but Stella convinced me to use Bokuto instead honhonhon Thanks baby ❤
Anywho, this should conclude my parts for Shake That Ass unless I find myself in a situation to do a backup part, which I hope I won’t have to do hahahaha
I find I enjoy editing rap though, all the typography I can do!! mwahaahahahahs! Typography is pretty much my only tal
9 years ago 00:00:13 35
「iBishie-Std」Get Fucked Up! || Bokuto
9 years ago 00:00:17 23
「iBishie-Std」Bokuto is MY Goddamn Problem!! ISTG xD