
《#十月購物節 #單筆下單滿1680現折168》 #折抵無上限 ➡️ 六種人氣拌麵醬 Six popular noodle sauce recipes 1.麻醬 材料: A.芝麻醬 1大匙 紅蔥油 1大匙 醬油膏 1大匙 煮麵水 2大匙 B.煮好的麵 1球 熟小白菜 適量 作法: 1. 所有材料混合均勻成麻醬。 2. 放入煮好的麵、小白菜,混合拌勻即可。 Sesame Sauce Noodles Ingredients: A. 1 tablespoon of sesame paste 1 tablespoon of scallion oil 1 tablespoon of soy sauce 2 tablespoons of cooking water from the noodles B. 1 serving of cooked noodles Some cooked bok choy Instructions: Mix all ingredients A thoroughly to make the sesame sauce. Add the cooked noodles and bok choy to the sauce and mix well. 2.傻瓜乾麵醬 材料: A.醬油 1大匙 烏醋 1大匙 豬油 1小匙 B.煮好的麵 1球... 蔥花 適量 作法: 1. 所有材料混合均勻成麵醬。 2. 放入煮好的麵混合拌勻即可。 3. 可搭配蔥花更好吃。 Idiot-proof Instant Noodle Sauce Ingredients: A. Soy sauce 1 tbsp Black vinegar 1 tbsp Pork fat 1 tsp B. Cooked noodles 1 serving Scallion, chopped, to taste Instructions: Mix all ingredients in A to make the noodle sauce. Add the cooked noodles into the sauce, and mix well. Sprinkle chopped scallions on top for added flavor. 3.蔥油拌麵醬 材料: A.醬油 1大匙 市售紅蔥油 1大匙 煮麵水 1大匙 B.煮好的麵 1球 熟豆芽菜 適量 煎蛋 1顆 作法: 1. 所有材料A混合均勻成蔥油醬。 2. 放入煮好的麵混合拌勻,再擺上燙好的豆芽菜、煎蛋即可。 Scallion oil noodle sauce Ingredients: A. 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp store-bought scallion oil 1 tbsp cooking water from noodles B. 1 serving of cooked noodles Cooked bean sprouts 1 fried egg Instructions: Mix all ingredients A together to make scallion oil sauce. Add cooked noodles to the sauce and mix well. Top with cooked bean sprouts and a fried egg. 4.沙茶拌麵醬 材料: A.沙茶醬 1大匙 醬油 1大匙 豬油 1/2大匙 煮麵水 1大匙 蒜末 2茶匙 B.豆芽菜 適量 作法: 1. 所有材料A混合均勻成沙茶拌麵醬。 2. 放入煮好的麵混合拌勻,再擺上燙好的豆芽菜即可。 Sacha sauce mixed noodle sauce Ingredients: A. Sacha sauce 1 tablespoon Soy sauce 1 tablespoon Pork lard 1/2 tablespoon Cooking water from noodles 1 tablespoon Minced garlic 2 teaspoons B. Bean sprouts, appropriate amount Instructions: Mix all ingredients A together to make the sacha sauce mixed noodle sauce. Mix the sauce with cooked noodles, and then add blanched bean sprouts on top. 5.椒麻拌麵醬 材料: A.辣油 2大匙 醬油 1大匙 烏醋 2茶匙 蒜末 2茶匙 B.花椒粉 1/2茶匙 蔥花 適量 作法: 1. 所有材料A拌勻成椒麻醬。 2. 放入煮好的麵混合拌勻,再撒上蔥花和花椒粉即可。 Pepper and Sesame Noodle Sauce Ingredients: A. Spicy oil 2 tbsp Soy sauce 1 tbsp Black vinegar 2 tsp Minced garlic 2 tsp B. Sichuan peppercorn powder 1/2 tsp Chopped scallions as desired Instructions: Mix all the ingredients in group A to make the pepper and sesame sauce. Mix the sauce with cooked noodles until the noodles are evenly coated. Add chopped scallions and Sichuan peppercorn powder as desired. 6.榨菜肉絲拌麵醬 材料: A.榨菜 400公克 肉絲 400公克 沙拉油 1大匙 辣椒絲 20公克 蒜末 15公克 B.醬油膏 2茶匙 市售紅蔥油 1大匙 煮麵水 1大匙 調味料: 糖 1茶匙 醃料: 太白粉 1茶匙 醬油 1大匙 米酒 1大匙 作法: 1. 肉絲與所有醃料抓勻,再加入沙拉油拌勻。 2. 熱鍋,加入2大匙油,放入肉絲炒至肉色變白,再放入蒜末、辣椒絲炒香,接著放入榨菜絲炒至略乾香,再放入糖拌炒均勻即為榨菜肉絲。 3. 一次多炒一些,放入保鮮盒中,冷藏可保存3∼4天。 4. 所有材料B拌勻成麵醬,放入煮好的麵條混合拌勻,再放入適量榨菜肉絲即可。 Preserved Vegetable and Shredded Pork Mixed Noodle Sauce Ingredients: A. Preserved vegetables 400g Shredded pork 400g Salad oil 1 tablespoon Chili threads 20g Minced garlic 15g B. Soy sauce paste 2 teaspoons Store-bought scallion oil 1 tablespoon Cooking water from noodles 1 tablespoon Seasoning: Sugar 1 teaspoon Marinade: Cornstarch 1 teaspoon Soy sauce 1 tablespoon Rice wine 1 tablespoon Instructions: Mix the shredded pork with all the marinade ingredients and then add salad oil to mix well. Heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil. Stir-fry the shredded pork until the color turns white. Th
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