Wafer Paper Cherry Blossoms

Hello Friends! In this video I will show you how to make beautiful spring flowers - Cherry Blossoms. Here you can find an inspirational video of cake I decorated with wafer paper cherry blossoms: This is a template I used to make Cherry Blossoms: The recipe of coloring liquid: 2 Tbsp of water 2 Tbsp of vodka 1/2 tsp of glycerin Below I included a list of tools and materials I used to make wafer paper Cherry Blossoms. I constantly use all these products in the bakery in cake decorating and love them. This list contains affiliated Amazon links, and I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost for you. 1) Wafer Paper: 2) Floral Tape: 3) Wire: 4) Self-healing Mat: I hope you will find this tutorial helpful
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