Igor Khudolei plays Mussorgsky Boris Godunov piano suite

Igor Khudolei playing his piano suite after Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov, recorded in 1988. Khudolei (1940-2001) studied with Yakov Flier and placed third at the 1964 Vianna da Motta competition (Freire and Krainev shared first that year). I have also uploaded Khudolei playing Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Timing below: 00:00 - People And The Tsar 04:13 - Grief Over Russia 07:50 - Varlaam’s Song 10:29 - Tsar Boris 15:43 - Scene At Kromy 18:20 - Pretender 20:36 - Halfwit 23:10 - Chimes Игорь Худолей - Модест Мусоргский - Борис Годунов - Igor Khudoley
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