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By Eromancer
Ano: 2023
Versão: (Alpha July-1-2023 UTC)
Gênero: 2dcg, jogo 2D, protagonista feminina, beat em ’up, side-scroller
Plataforma: PC Game / Windows
Idioma: Inglês
Pure Onyx is a classic beat ‘em up with RPG elements set in the world of our flagship title, Malise and the Machine. It follows heroine Onyx as she brawls her way through the dystopian streets of New Babylon, where she’ll encounter gangs, crime syndicates, a corrupt police force, and the bio-engineered horrors of the insidious Babel Corporation. It features fully animated, 3D art and is styled after 80s cyberpunk anime.
Pure Onyx é um clássico beat ’em up com elementos de RPG ambientados no mundo do nosso título principal, Malise and the Machine. Segue-se a heroína Onyx enquanto ela luta pelas ruas distópicas de Nova Babilônia, onde ela encontrará gangues, sindicatos do crime, uma força policial corrupta e os horrores da bioengenharia da insidiosa Babel Corporation. Possui arte 3D totalmente animada e tem o estilo do anime cyberpunk dos anos 80.
#PUREONYX #PUREONYXANewBabylonTale #PUREONYX2023 #CyberPunk #VoidSlums #Eromancer
#Gameplay #Playthrough #Walkthrough #LongPlay #AllStarFighters #Fighting #FightingGames #FightGamesTV #Fight #MegaDrive #SegaMegaDrive #SegaGenesis #SEGA #NES #SNES #SuperNintendo #NintendoSwitch #Yuzu #RyuJinx #GameBoy #GameBoyAdvanced #NDS #3DS #NintendoDS #Nintendo #Action #Ryona #リョナ #Arcade #Arcades #ArcadeGames #ArcadeGame #Fliperama #Games #AteZerar #Multiplayer #Multiversus #Crossover #MUGEN #MugenGames #MUGEN2023 #IkemenGO #IkemenGO2023 #Ikemen #Ikemen2023 #OpenBOR #OpenBORGames #OpenBOR2023 #Steam #VideoGames #VideoGame #PCGame #PCGames #Jogos #BeatEmUp #BrigaDeRua #OldGame #JogosAntigos #GamesDasAntigas #ClassicGames #ClassicArcade #PS1 #PS2 #PlayStation #PlayStation2 #Emulador #Emulator #MAME #FBA #Roms #Rom #FinalBurnAlpha #FinalBurn #NeoGeo #SNK #Capcom #Konami #Demake #Plataforma #Pixel #PixelArt #2D #3D #16Bit #8Bit #Doujin #Doujinshi #同人 #同人誌 #ムゲン #オープンボー #遅い起源 #メガドライブ #スーパーファミコン #スーパーニンテンドー #アーケード #ゲーム
5 months ago 00:04:07 1
Onyx Ft. Redman & Keith Murray - DAMN
5 months ago 00:25:40 1
Mitsubishi ASX im Test (2024) Alles zum NEUEN Facelift mit 8 Jahren Garantie! Review | Preis | Top
5 months ago 00:03:05 1
ONYX 〉 (Official music)
6 months ago 00:04:54 12
Alex Rudinger - NECROPHAGIST - “DIMINISHED TO B“ (ft. Heiderich, Caspersen, Ciardullo, & White)
7 months ago 00:07:42 1
Exodus 28 Breastplate and Ephod of Aaron the High Priest by Dr. Jason Eric Renna
8 months ago 00:09:55 14
Pure Onyx: Tomei Demais! 💦🌟
11 months ago 02:01:16 1
“SURVIVAL“ Pure Dramatic 🌟 Most Beautiful Intense Violin Fierce Epic Orchestral Strings Music
11 months ago 00:29:57 5
PURE ONYX ➤ Эротический beat’am up ➤ полный обзор версии ➤ Я теперь на Boosty ➤
1 year ago 00:06:03 1
Tronsmart Onyx Pure - КРУТЫЕ TWS НАУШНИКИ За Копейки!
1 year ago 00:01:11 1
pure water [gta in desc / гта в описании]
1 year ago 00:06:32 1
1 year ago 00:02:43 1
Onyx, You’re the Reason Why - MLP G5 (Fan Original Song)