Lyrics, music and singing by Alexander Gorodnitsky
Translation into English by Alexandra Shamarova:
Refugees-leaves are driven by winds,
A far star is dying behind the grey glass,
The Kiev Blue Line of Moscow metro
Is sending green trains to the dark night.
Some people hurry to take a long road,
The sparkle of coins beckons in the end.
They are in search of Heavens and home.
The Happiness searched is gone or has left.
Birds just fly south to flee from the cold,
They’re followed by wilted leaves,
They’re not afraid of faraway shores.
It’s only me who has lost my tailwind.
No matter that I feel disappointed
And am blaming the country and time -
I’m not like a bird, I’m a leaf that has fallen,
Its way is not long and not very far.
It’s too late for changes. And they’re not worth it.
There’s a window with trembling drops.
I will end up, like a wife of saint Loth,
As a dead stone on the land of my birth.
A new day is coming beh
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11 months ago 00:02:06 1
Александр Городницкий Беженцы 2022
11 months ago 00:35:45 1
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