Brutal Pranks on NPCs #2 | Red Dead Redemption 2

Various pranks on random NPCs and members of the Van Der Linde Gang. Pranks may include running them over with the train, pushing them into a pit with cougars and bears, dropping them off of a cliff, drowning them, and more. These are all pranks, so no one was harmed and everyone shared a good laugh afterwards. --------------------------------- 0:00 - Pushing Dutch in front of a train 0:22 - Bungee jumping with bad ending 0:38 - Drowning a cage full of people in the river 1:09 - Shooting Jack with a cannon 1:27 - Hitting a cage full of people with a train 1:56 - Driving a boat full of dogs o...ff of a huge waterfall 2:22 - Human kite 2:37 - Crashing a wagon off of a building ft. Dutch, Uncle, Hosea, Jack, and Charles 3:06 - Hitting a cage full of people with a train and knocking it off a bridge 3:35 - Launching a stagecoach into the air with dynamite 3:52 - Blowing up a theater with dynamite during the show 4:13 - Pushing Hosea into a grizzly bear pit 4:49 - D
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