A Penta-Hexa Super-Structure
The Fibonacci 60 Pattern, that repeats Infinitely every 60 Digits based on the End or Final Digits of the Fibonacci Sequence (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-etc) was first revealed and published by the French Mathematician Jean-Louis Lagrange in 1774. Upon closer examination, it contains several other hidden patterns based on the Pentagram Stars and Hexagons.
We can combine both the Pentagram and Hexagon sequence in this 60 Fib Code to express the essential Penta-Hexa relationship which exists at the level of our DNA coding. In the dimensions of Sphericality, this 60
... Penta-Hexa Sigil is likened to the pentagons and hexagons visible in the 3-dimensional Soccer Ball aka Truncated Icosahedron having a numerical signature of 5-6-6 at each meaning of this Wheel of 60 tends towards the nature of Time, expressed intelligently by the ancient Sumerians in their sexigesimal Base 60 mathematics which gaves us the vestigial remains of inter-stellar Time Codes hinted in the 60 seconds in our Minute and 60 minutes in our Hour.
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