John Romero And Jordan Mechner’s Battle To Save Gaming History - MinnMax Interview

MinnMax’s Kelsey Lewin and Ben Hanson talk to Doom’s designer John Romero and Prince of Persia creator Jordan Mechner about their lifelong passion for preserving video game history and how so much is being lost every day. They beg other developers to save their materials, to write books, to do more interviews, get that history out there and don’t shy away from it being extremely technical. This conversation was sparked by GameStop shutting down Game Informer and the Internet Archive’s recent struggles in court. You can donate to help fund the Internet Archive here - We’ll DM you a Steam code for Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure if you support MinnMax on Patreon before Monday, September 23rd. You can also unlock the podcast version of this discussion and more. Learn more about Romero and Mechner’s books and preservation efforts on their sites below. 00:0
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