
Hejran, kooch, payane yek aghaz, va shoroe yek entehayi dgar, baste shodane yek fasl az zendegi va goshode shodane fasli novin, shoro’e mojadad, sefr e motlagh, sakhtan az no ba ebrat az eshtebahate gozashte, be sooye abadiat, ba gamhayi boland, rasekh, ostovar, raftan ta sabet kardan, be in, be a’n, be hame kas, va mohem tar az hame be khod, esbate vojood dashtan, boodan, hast shodan , forodgahe emam khomeini, badragheye omide zendegim, khodahafezi bedoone rikhtane yek ghatre ashk jeloye yar, rahe bargasht be samte tehran, daroone mashin,4 e sob, cheshmane geryan, tekrare in ahang ta sobh, sakht tarin veda’e zendegim,,,,,,,, miss you and good luck
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