Секрет приготовления органического масла! Этому рецепту более 100 лет! Быстрый и простой рецепт

We’ve been doing it for 30 years, we never gave up🤚The fastest, most practical and most delicious. An easy butter recipe that is always delicious. Stuffed flatbread for a delicious lunch or dinner. How to make butter at home. The most famous butter recipe. Daily routine vlog in the village. Collecting wild onions from the village forest. See my recipe for making stuffed flatbread for dinner. This is an easy and delicious meatless recipe. Stuffed flatbread prepared according to my recipe are very tasty and tender. According to my recipe, anyone can cook delicious and simple dishes. In my video recipe, I show you how to make butter at home. This is a delicious meatless recipe. The main thing is to cook in a good mood! 🔔 Subscribe: ❓ ABOUT US: Yummy life channel about cooking delicious dishes in the wild. We live in a village and try to find very nice locations. 🍽 A few ultimate-delicious
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