Winslow Homer: A collection of 534 paintings (HD) *UPDATE

Winslow Homer: A collection of 534 paintings (HD) *UPDATE (added almost 400 new more paintings than previous video) Description: “Winslow Homer was one of the most authentic and important American artists of the nineteenth century. Born in Boston, he spent his adolescence in Cambridge, Massachusetts, surviving the absence of a father who rushed out to California to pan for gold. At nineteen he learned how to draw on the job at John.H Bufford’s lithography shop by illustrating or copying of photographs for sheet music covers of popular songs (1855-57). In 1859, he moved to New York, where he attended a few classes at the National Academy of Design. He continued to freelance, especially for Harper’s Weekly magazine, which sent him to the front during Civil War (1861-1864). His well-known Return of the Prisoners (1866) drew from this experience. In 1867, he traveled to France and returned a year later--six years before the Impressionists emerged as a renegade force in Europe. Neverthele
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