Natasha Treya - Krila

Krila - moja prva pjesma na crnogorskom. Video je djelimično snimljen u predivnim predjelima Crne gore. Nadam se da ćete uživati i pratiti moj rad. Voli vas Treya Крылья - моя первая песня на черногорском языке. Клип мы частично снимали в Черногории. Очень надеюсь, что вы меня, поддержите, друзья. Words: Natasha Treya , Translated by Boban Jovanovic Mixing: Sergey Kalachev (Grebstel) Backing vocals: Yana Blinder, Jelena Keke Recording engineer: Maxim Komov Cello: Yuri Voroniuk Violin: Maria Shaginova Cello & violin recording engineer Mirko Djurovic, Electrick Studios Director: Nata...sha Treya Cinematographer: Dmitry and Denis Shpynda (D&D studio) Make up artist: Grimyana Make up assistant: _mammochka_ Production designer: Marina Abdulaeva Line producer: Alisa Volchenko Postproduction: Andrey Chertishchev () Backstage, help on the site: Danila Mir Help with decorations: Stas Derevyanko Clip edition: Natasha Treya, Irina Surikova Focus Puller: Victor Makarov Assistant Director: Alexander Freeman Cast: Irina Reina, Sasha Kat, Masha Maeva, Svetlana Alexx, Alena Shmidt Thanks: Nikolay Pigarev, Ilia Petrov, Makoshy, Yastreb Blackhawk, Anna Foxy
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