Visceral Chiropractic. Belly Massage. Abdominal Massage

Abdominal massage is an effective means of preventing many diseases. Massage of the abdomen improves intestinal motility, which can help with intestinal atony and with prolonged persistent constipation. Massaging movements improve the secretion of the liver and pancreas, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. Abdominal massage allows you to remove toxins from the body, eliminates pain. In addition, abdominal massage is an effective way to fight cellulite and extra pounds. Visceral abdominal massage is aimed at improving the functioning of internal organs. It is indicated for people with problems of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver and kidneys. It helps people suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, gastritis. Visceral chiropractic (visceral - internal, chiro - hand, practice - actions) is the impact on internal organs through pressure, tapping, movement, massage in order to restore the position of organs and restore microcirculation in their peri-organ spaces. Due to these actions
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